SQL Lite Database Browser: A Free and Open Source Tool to Download and Explore SQLite Files
Depending on your OS environment, SQLite server may already come bundled with your Operating System. For example, Mac OS X comes pre-isntalled with SQLite and can be executed using the sqlite3 command. However, you may need to install SQLite in some cases and on other OSes.
First, we need to create a new database and opena database connection to allow sqlite3 to work with it.Call sqlite3.connect() to create a connection tothe database tutorial.db in the current working directory,implicitly creating it if it does not exist:
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We can verify that the new table has been created by queryingthe sqlite_master table built-in to SQLite,which should now contain an entry for the movie table definition(see The Schema Table for details).Execute that query by calling cur.execute(...),assign the result to res,and call res.fetchone() to fetch the resulting row:
Return True if the string statement appears to containone or more complete SQL statements.No syntactic verification or parsing of any kind is performed,other than checking that there are no unclosed string literalsand the statement is terminated by a semicolon.
Pass this flag value to the detect_types parameter ofconnect() to look up a converter function usingthe declared types for each column.The types are declared when the database table is created.sqlite3 will look up a converter function using the first word of thedeclared type as the converter dictionary key.For example:
Integer constant required by the DB-API 2.0, stating the level of threadsafety the sqlite3 module supports. This attribute is set based onthe default threading mode theunderlying SQLite library is compiled with. The SQLite threading modes are:
Please consult the SQLite documentation about the possible values for the firstargument and the meaning of the second and third argument depending on the firstone. All necessary constants are available in the sqlite3 module.
The only argument passed to the callback is the statement (asstr) that is being executed. The return value of the callback isignored. Note that the backend does not only run statements passed to theCursor.execute() methods. Other sources include thetransaction management of thesqlite3 module and the execution of triggers defined in the currentdatabase.
The sqlite3 module is not built with loadable extension support bydefault, because some platforms (notably macOS) have SQLitelibraries which are compiled without this feature.To get loadable extension support,you must pass the --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions optionto configure.
This attribute controls the transaction handling performed by sqlite3.If set to None, transactions are never implicitly opened.If set to one of "DEFERRED", "IMMEDIATE", or "EXCLUSIVE",corresponding to the underlying SQLite transaction behaviour,implicit transaction management is performed.
How to download and install SQLite tools
SQLite download page for source code and binaries
DB Browser for SQLite - Standard installer for Windows
SQLite command-line tools for managing database files
System.Data.SQLite - SQLite for .NET
SQLite AppImage, Snap, and distribution specific packages for Linux
SQLite WebAssembly and JavaScript bundle for web applications
SQLite precompiled Android library with Java bindings
SQLite source code as an amalgamation
SQLite documentation as a bundle of static HTML files
How to compile SQLite from source code
SQLite nightly builds for Windows and macOS
SQLite Homebrew Cask for macOS
SQLite PortableApp for Windows
How to use SQLite command-line shell program
How to use SQLite sqldiff.exe program
How to use SQLite sqlite3_analyzer.exe program
How to add SQLite PPA for Ubuntu and derivatives
How to update SQLite using Homebrew for macOS
How to run SQLite AppImage on Linux
How to install SQLite Snap packages on Linux
How to use System.Data.SQLite in Visual Studio
How to use sqlite3.wasm and its JavaScript APIs in web applications
How to include SQLite precompiled Android library in Android Studio project
How to use DB Browser for SQLite to create and edit database files
How to configure SQLite with TEA makefiles for the TCL Interface
How to use sqlite-autoconf package to build and install SQLite on Linux
How to use sqlite-doc package to access offline documentation on Linux
How to use sqlite-wasm package to run SQLite in the browser
How to use sqlite-dll package to load SQLite dynamically on Windows
How to use sqlite-tools package to access various utilities on Windows
How to use sqlite-src package to get the complete source tree for SQLite
How to use sqlite-preprocessed package to get the preprocessed C sources for SQLite
How to use sqlite-amalgamation package to get the single-file C source code for SQLite
How to download and install the latest release of SQLite
How to download and install the previous releases of SQLite
How to download and install the nightly builds of SQLite
How to verify the integrity of downloaded SQLite files using SHA3 hashes
How to compare two SQLite database files using sqldiff.exe program
How to analyze the structure and content of a SQLite database file using sqlite3_analyzer.exe program
How to execute SQL statements on a SQLite database file using command-line shell program
How to import and export data from a CSV file using command-line shell program
How to backup and restore a SQLite database file using command-line shell program
How to encrypt and decrypt a SQLite database file using System.Data.SQLite extension
How to create and manage triggers, views, indexes, and foreign keys using DB Browser for SQLite
How to browse and edit data in tables and views using DB Browser for SQLite
How to write and execute SQL queries using DB Browser for SQLite
How to export data from a table or view as CSV, JSON, SQL, or XML using DB Browser for SQLite
How to import data into a table from a CSV or SQL file using DB Browser for SQLite
Control how a row fetched from this Cursor is represented.If None, a row is represented as a tuple.Can be set to the included sqlite3.Row;or a callable that accepts two arguments,a Cursor object and the tuple of row values,and returns a custom object representing an SQLite row.
This exception is not currently raised by the sqlite3 module,but may be raised by applications using sqlite3,for example if a user-defined function truncates data while inserting.Warning is a subclass of Exception.
Exception raised for sqlite3 API programming errors,for example supplying the wrong number of bindings to a query,or trying to operate on a closed Connection.ProgrammingError is a subclass of DatabaseError.
The type system of the sqlite3 module is extensible in two ways: you canstore additional Python types in an SQLite database viaobject adapters,and you can let the sqlite3 module convert SQLite types toPython types via converters.
The SQLite project provides a simple command-line program namedsqlite3 (or sqlite3.exe on Windows)that allows the user to manually enter and execute SQLstatements against an SQLite database or against aZIP archive. This document provides a briefintroduction on how to use the sqlite3 program.
Start the sqlite3 program by typing "sqlite3" at thecommand prompt, optionally followedby the name of the file that holds the SQLite database(or ZIP archive). If the namedfile does not exist, a new database file with the given name will becreated automatically. If no database file is specified on thecommand-line, a temporary database is created and automatically deleted whenthe "sqlite3" program exits.
Make sure you type a semicolon at the end of each SQL command!The sqlite3 program looks for a semicolon to know when your SQL command iscomplete. If you omit the semicolon, sqlite3 will give you acontinuation prompt and wait for you to enter more text tocomplete the SQL command. This feature allows you toenter SQL commands that span multiple lines. For example:
Windows users can double-click on the sqlite3.exe icon to causethe command-line shell to pop-up a terminal window running SQLite. However,because double-clicking starts the sqlite3.exe without command-line arguments,no database file will have been specified, so SQLite will use a temporarydatabase that is deleted when the session exits.To use a persistent disk file as the database, enter the ".open" commandimmediately after the terminal window starts up:
Most of the time, sqlite3 just reads lines of input and passes themon to the SQLite library for execution.But input lines that begin with a dot (".")are intercepted and interpreted by the sqlite3 program itself.These "dot commands" are typically used to change the output formatof queries, or to execute certain prepackaged query statements.There were originally just a few dot commands, but over the yearsmany new features have accumulated so that today there are over 60.
The dot-commandsare interpreted by the sqlite3.exe command-line program, not bySQLite itself. So none of the dot-commands will work as an argumentto SQLite interfaces such as sqlite3_prepare() or sqlite3_exec().
In "quote" mode, the output is formatted as SQL literals. Strings areenclosed in single-quotes and internal single-quotes are escaped by doubling.Blobs are displayed in hexadecimal blob literal notation (Ex: x'abcd').Numbers are displayed as ASCII text and NULL values are shown as "NULL".All columns are separated from each other by a comma (or whatever alternativecharacter is selected using ".separator").
The sqlite3 program provides several convenience commands thatare useful for looking at the schema of the database. There isnothing that these commands do that cannot be done by some othermeans. These commands are provided purely as a shortcut.
The ".databases" command shows a list of all databases open inthe current connection. There will always be at least 2. The firstone is "main", the original database opened. The second is "temp",the database used for temporary tables. There may be additionaldatabases listed for databases attached using the ATTACH statement.The first output column is the name the database is attached with,and the second result column is the filename of the external file.There may be a third result column which will be either "'r/o'" or"'r/w'" depending on whether the database file is read-only or read-write.And there might be a fourth result column showing the result ofsqlite3_txn_state() for that database file.
The ".fullschema" dot-command works like the ".schema" command inthat it displays the entire database schema. But ".fullschema" alsoincludes dumps of the statistics tables "sqlite_stat1", "sqlite_stat3",and "sqlite_stat4", if they exist. The ".fullschema" command normallyprovides all of the information needed to exactly recreate a queryplan for a specific query. When reporting suspected problems withthe SQLite query planner to the SQLite development team, developersare requested to provide the complete ".fullschema" output as partof the trouble report. Note that the sqlite_stat3 and sqlite_stat4tables contain samples of index entries and so might contain sensitivedata, so do not send the ".fullschema" output of a proprietary databaseover a public channel.
The ".open" command opens a new database connection, after first closing thepreviously opened database command. In its simplest form, the ".open" command merelyinvokes sqlite3_open() on the file named as its argument. Use the name ":memory:"to open a new in-memory database that disappears when the CLI exits or when the".open" command is run again.Or use no name to open a private, temporary on-disk database whichwill also disappear upon exit or use of ".open".
The --deserialize option causes the entire content of the on-disk file to beread into memory and then opened as an in-memory database using thesqlite3_deserialize() interface. This will, of course, require a lot of memoryif you have a large database. Also, any changes you make to the database will notbe saved back to disk unless you explicitly save them using the ".save" or ".backup"commands.
By default, sqlite3 sends query results to standard output. Youcan change this using the ".output" and ".once" commands. Just putthe name of an output file as an argument to .output and all subsequentquery results will be written to that file. Or use the .once commandinstead of .output and output will only be redirected for the single nextcommand before reverting to the console. Use .output with no arguments tobegin writing to standard output again. For example:
In interactive mode, sqlite3 reads input text (either SQL statementsor dot-commands) from the keyboard. You can also redirect input froma file when you launch sqlite3, of course, but then you do not have theability to interact with the program. Sometimes it is useful to run anSQL script contained in a file entering other commands from the command-line.For this, the ".read" dot-command is provided.
In addition to reading and writing SQLite database files,the sqlite3 program will also read and write ZIP archives.Simply specify a ZIP archive filename in place of an SQLite databasefilename on the initial command line, or in the ".open" command,and sqlite3 will automatically detect that the file is aZIP archive instead of an SQLite database and will open it as such.This works regardless of file suffix. So you can open JAR, DOCX,and ODP files and any other file format that is really a ZIParchive and SQLite will read it for you.